How to create an invoice with multiple items in Wave using Zapier (and WooCommerce)

February 9, 2020

Setup the trigger

1. Login to and click ‘Make a Zap’ (duh!)

2. For the Trigger choose WooCommerce (or whatever your data source is) and trigger event

3. Setup the webhook for WooCommerce - using the: Zapier extension

4. Find data and pull some samples for use in testing the workflow

Reformat Order Date for Wave

5. Next add a new action and choose the Formatter by Zapier app and select Date/Time as the action event - this is to reformat the date from WooCommerce so we can use it in Wave in a later step

6. Go to Customize and under Transform select Format

7. Add the WooCommerce Order Date from the trigger as the Value Input

8. Under To Format select YYYY-MM-DD, as this is what’s needed for Wave

9. Send Data and Test the output

Line Items for Wave Invoice

10. Next add a new action and choose the Formatter by Zapier app and select Utilities as the action event - this is the most important step and will be used to reformat the data into line items for Wave

11. Go to Customize and under Transform select Line Itemizer (Create/Append/Prepend)

12. Add a name (can be anything) for Line-item(s) Group Name under Values

13. Under Line-item Properties add in the name of the property on the left and then the values on the right

14. The values on the right should be populated using data from the WooCommerce trigger and correspond to the property names on the left and the properties you wish to include in the Wave invoice (such as Product Name, Product ID, Quantity and Price)

15. If you select yes under Create Subtotal Property? then it will automatically multiply the values of Quantity (or Qty) and Price to create the subtotal.

16. Send Data and Test the output

Find or Create Customer in Wave

17. Next add a new action and choose the Wave app and select Find Customer as the action event - this is to find or create a customer in Wave because it’s needed to create the Invoice in the next step

18. Choose your Wave account (or connect it to Zapier if you didn’t already)

19. Go to Customize and select the Business as needed in the dropdown

20. Under Email add the email address of the customer from the WooCommerce

21. Tick the box for Create Wave Customer if it doesn’t exist yet?

22. Add in the fields as you like for a new customer, but make sure you include Customer Name

23. Send Data and Test the output

Create Invoice in Wave

24. Next add a new action and choose the Wave app and select Create Invoice as the action event - this is the final action step where we will create a Saved invoice in Wave

25. Choose your Wave account (same as previous action step)

26. Go to Customize and select the Business as needed in the dropdown

27. For Customer you cannot select the dropdown because this value will always be different for each order and invoice, so select Use a Custom Value (advanced) and then add in the Customer ID number from the previous step (don’t use the Customer Name as it won’t work)

28. Under Items you can then add in the Line Items output from the Action Step 3, including Product Name under Item Description, Invoice Price under Item Price, etc

29. Select the appropriate currency and you can also add the invoice date using the output from Action Step 2

30. Change Status to Saved (otherwise invoice will be a Draft only in Wave)

31. Add the Order Number from the WooCommerce trigger to SO or PO Number if you wish, and you can also add the Due Date as needed

31. Various parts of how the Wave invoice looks can be controlled with these dropdowns, including hiding the amount, the description, items, prices, and quantity

33. Send Data and Test the output

Turn on the Zap!

34. And if everything has been tested and seems to work then don’t forget to Turn On the new zap!

Check your  Invoice in Wave

35. Finally go into your Wave account and when you’ve done the test (or for future zaps) you should see a new invoice like this one

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